On TeacherTube there is a channel for Special Education, which I will use in the classroom to help with the inclusion portion of the classroom. This channel gives a good variety of videos that can be used to aid in the learning of material by all intellectual levels.
The DiscoveryEducation channel on YouTube will be a channel that I will use in my classroom to show different aspects of the field of science and for technology in the classroom. This channel has several videos of different types of technology that one can incorporate into the classroom, so I think this channel would be very useful in the future.
The Elementary channel on TeacherTube is another one that will be very helpful in the future. It give a wide variety of different videos that are appropriate for younger children. These videos will be good teaching aids in all subject areas that need to be covered at the elementary level.
The Bill Nye channel on YouTube is something that will be useful when teaching the students different aspects of science. This will give the children a fun break from listening to me as a teach talking and will allow them to learn from a different medium. These videos will be both entertaining and educational for the students, and can be used with multiple age groups.
I would also use the videos from AdaptedMind in the classroom. This collection holds numerous math and counting videos and can be accessed through TeacherTube as one of its collections. These videos would be helpful when teaching math lessons to children.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
-Proverbs 22:6 ESV
This verse from scripture clearly states that the parent is responsible to raise their child in a manner that will teach them what is right and what is wrong, and what is true in this life. A parent is to teach their child which things are good for them to do and the things that are harmful for them. Therefore, parents should be mindful of the things that there children are doing, whether it be watching a television show, surfing the internet, or what they are doing with their friends. The parent should be directly involved in every aspect of the child's life.
Children are going to use technology, because that is just the type of world that they are growing up in. Parents need to monitor the things that their children are doing with this technology, which means putting filters on the internet and only allowing them to do certain things with the technology. Something helpful, especially with younger children would be to only allow the use of technology when the child is with you.
As an educator, one needs to respect the limitations that the parents have set for their children and not stretch outside of those boundaries. There should be no material used that is not age appropriate for the children, and an educator must be exceedingly cautious as to what they use in the classroom in the areas of technology and other media.